BSc Joint Hons, HGDip, SNHS Dips
: Toxic Relationship & Trauma Transformation Therapist :
: Women's Circle Lead :
: Bestselling Co-author of The Awakened Warrior Toolkit
I empower sensitive, spiritual women
to safely own their boundaries
by healing trauma
from past toxic relationships,
so they can reclaim their joy,
unleash their wild, feminine nature
and trust their intuition
to lead a soul-aligned, fulfilling life.
I am one of less than 100 expertly & uniquely skilled
HeartHealing™ Practitioners currently in the UK.
This new & revolutionary healing method is exploding globally as it can heal heart, mind and soul
in as little as a one hour session!
Right now, reading this, you might be experiencing
a sense of utter sadness, feel directionless, panicky, breathless, scared, be constantly on edge and not able to switch off and relax, feel worthless, mistrustful, unlovable or simply like you're "not enough" in some way.
I’ve been there and it was completely exhausting.
I felt totally drained 99% of the time.
It was like I was being taught the same life lessons over and over, and there was a huge brick wall in front of me,
stopping me from being able to learn and finally move on.
I've healed from this.​ And I'd be honoured to help you heal too.
Wiser Woman Offerings
I'm passionate about helping heal my sisters who are stuck with that longing to
feel more, be more, rest more, switch off more, feel safe more, receive more.
Choose how you'd like to be welcomed, with kindness, into my world.
Wiser Women's Circle
Monthly gathering of kind-hearted women, online
Reclaiming Joy
33 days to heal your feeling of not being enough
Soul-aligned Life
3 month deep healing journey to reconnect with your true Self
My Story
Having spent over 30 years unconsciously seeking out destructive relationships and soul-destroying jobs, plus single-handedly bringing up my two children, in 2020 I turned 50, and, after a few years of desperate struggle, my 18 year old daughter tried to end her life.
I couldn’t cope any longer.
I had what Brené Brown, international speaker on vulnerability, calls “a mid-life shake up”. You might know it by it’s more familiar name a “mental breakdown”, or the less familiar one, a “spiritual awakening”.
Why? Because I wasn’t living my life’s purpose.
I faced a crossroads. I changed direction. I chose a different path.
Instead of turning, as usual, to counselling and off-loading to friends and family, I had a soothing back massage, Reiki, an Oracle Card reading and got myself an incredible Life Coach, who just so happened to be spiritual. Oh, my spiritual self finally felt heard! The missing piece of the puzzle slotted in beautifully.
For the first time in my life I truly and deeply connected to my Mind, Body and Spirit, and it felt exquisite!
I took a deep breath, followed my heart, and made the huge leap to leave my really secure admin job and become a female entrepreneur.
I passionately created my unique style of Spiritual Psychotherapy; crafting it from my qualifications in Psychotherapy, trauma-informed HeartHealing™ and alternative remedies, together with my extensive life experience and powerful spiritual connection.
My clients have deep and profound shifts, in as little as one hour; often ones they've been trying to access and release for decades without success!
Finally they are flourishing, and living a soul-aligned life full of self confidence, self worth, self acceptance, self trust and self love.
And so can YOU!
All you need is an open mind, a willingness to change, and the determination to go for it. I’ll be there alongside you every step of the way.
Are you ready to go on your healing journey with me, taking a courageous deep breath, to become the soul-aligned and super confident woman you long to be?
What women, just like you,
say about working with me
When you're searching for help, sometimes all you can manage is that small first step towards self-love.
I created these FREE gifts so you can begin your own healing journey.
My wish is that you find them gently supportive and nuturing.
Your next life
chapter begins when you deeply heal and
choose your Self
Feeling safe
Feeling supported
Feeling heard
Feeling validated
What Can I Offer You?
Wiser Women's Circle
(monthly, online)
Your soul is yearning to find a safe place to explore your inner self.
You're searching for a deeper connection with like-minded,
kind-hearted women.
Women have been gathering together in circle for millenia
to do exactly this.
My Wiser Women's Circle gathers monthly, working with different themes, including the moon's energies and the zodiac signs.
If you feel the calling, perhaps it's an aching in your bones that you can't explain with words yet,
you'll be welcomed with kindness, love and compassion.
Reclaiming Joy
(1:1 mini package)
When you begin to heal it's tough knowing where to start.
Reclaiming Joy is carefully crafted to
help you release that heart-led feeling of not being Enough;
something that affects us our entire lives until we decide to take that much desired action.
In just 33 days you'll solve the mystery of why you don't feel Enough in all areas of your life.
Soul-aligned Life
(1:1 full package)
Have you've tried lots of healing methods already but still feel deep pain, disempowered and can't make sense of why your life just isn't getting any better?
Come on a 3 month fully immersive healing journey to tackle all those
long-held wounds, once and for all.
My unique fusion of
Spiritual Psychotherapy
and HeartHealing™
allows me to fully support you in releasing what's truly at the heart of stopping you from living the full, rich, soul-aligned life you yearn for, and truly deserve.
My Top
Self Help Books
It can be daunting starting out on your healing journey and a supportive book can be a huge source of inspiration and deep comfort.
I'm a passionate advocate for reading. I've read, learned and deeply benefitted from all of my top picks.
My dearest wish is that these gems become your much-loved friends along your path to a new life full of heart-led joy.
Disclaimer: the Buy Book links take you straight to Amazon. I earn a small commission if you choose to order via these links but you don't pay any extra.